Saturday, April 30, 2011

"All a Twitter"

Name of book: All a Twitter
Author: Tee Morrison
Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc. 2009
Subject: Twitter
Pages: 268

“All a Twitter” was written by a user. Tee Morris began using Twitter in 2002 and has a few thousand follows. He did not write this book for the purpose of monetizing your Twitter experience, but to teach people how to use Twitter and the Twitter Applications that are available. He is available for advice or questions on @ITStudios. By being available to his readers, he takes a new innovative approach to authoring. This is the first time I have read a how-to book which gives you the opportunity to interact with the author.
“All a Twitter” is a must have step-by-step manual on the multiple uses of Twitter. Even if you are a current Twitter user, you can learn different ways to improve your overall Twitter experience. For the first time Twitter user, it can provide a helpful reference manual to make sure you reap all of the benefits of Twitter without difficulty. It gives a brief history of forums, blogging, and social networking creation and advancements for the subject curious reader.
Twitter began in 2006. During the last 5 years, Twitter has become the fastest growing social media site. It’s simplicity to use is the basis for its tremendous growth. It is a micro-blogging site. Unlike a traditional blogging site there is a one hundred and forty word limit or less on postings. Tweets are the name for your posts. Posting Tweets is similar to Facebook status updates.
After you set up your Twitter account, your next step is setting up your network profile. Your network profile is the first impression that people see. You want to make a good impression from the get go. If people are interested in you, then they will be interested in your Tweets. It will help you build a follower base. Building a follower base is the main goal for many Twitters. In reality would people tweet, if no one was following? Unless you are the type that goes on and on, and doesn’t appreciate a little feedback, take the time to personalize your network profile. When you choose your username, use your own name or a nickname, something that describes what you like or who you are. This will give fellow Tweeters and idea of who you are from the beginning. A catchy username in itself may make other Tweeters curious. In your network profile you can also add a personal or professional URL; this will give you an opportunity to share with the Twitterverse in a more detailed way. The next step is the line bio. In the line bio, you can add a personal tagline, message, or a quote. You can also add a location and change the language.
A good avatar is a must have item. Too many people keep the default Twitter blue bird. This gives the impression that you can’t bother to either upload a picture or pick an image of something that interests you. According to the author, many blue bird’s Tweets get passed up because people want to have an image to put the Tweeter in perspective. Other Tweeters assume if you have a boring avatar, that your tweets will be boring. At the time I read this book, I was guilty of using the default blue bird. I wasn’t generating much interest with my tweets. Now I know why. You can even change your avatar to fit your mood from day to day.
Currently user security is a very hot topic. After the latest news coverage about Facebook and privacy issues, many Tweeters are learning better ways to improve the safety of their personal information. You can protect your updates in Twitter. By protecting your updates, you keep them from appearing in the public timeline. No one would be able to enter your network or access your activities or current location unless you grant them access. There is a downside to protecting your updates. It defeats the whole concept of social networking. It will make it difficult to building a community and networking with others. Tweeters are less inclined to follow you when you protect your updates.
There are many Twitter applications available from third parties that enhance the Twitter experience. The two most popular Twitter applications currently are: Tweetdeck and Twitpic. Tweetdeck streamlines notifications and Tweets. Twitpic gives you the freedom to upload a picture from your computer and add it to your tweet. There are applications for searches, tracking, following. There is too much to name in a brief book report.
This book gives you all the details on setting up and maintaining your Twitterverse. It would be a great book for first time and experienced users. With the amount of detail and knowledge that it contains, you would be on your way to building your own network within an hour. It easy to follow and covers all of the important details. It doesn’t just tell you how to do it, but why you should do it.
The only downside to a written and published book is it may not be completely up to date. Web 2.0 sites change at such a rapid pace that a new book would have to be written at least once a month. That’s why I think it’s great that you can contact the author any time you want. If something new has been added to Twitter and you get confused, the author says feel free to ask him questions.

If you are a beginning Tweeter, please read this book. It was an interesting read and helped me immensely.


  1. You imply that you have a Twitter account. I tried to look you up but there are too many with your name. Why do I see so many eggs for avatars today instead of blue birds? How many times a day or week do you Tweet? Is it true that William and Kate announced their engagement on Twitter?

  2. I do have a Twitter account, but it is set to protect mode. Would you like me to set up a public one that you can check out? I did search on Twitter to see if that's where the engagement was announced, but I couldn't find a specific tweet for that.I am glad I read this book though. I now know that Twitter isn't just about your tweets, but setting up an online community.I had no idea there were so many third party apps out there. I just wish I had the free time to really play with it.
